Helping poor people essay
Thesis For Explication Essay Samples
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Blood Brothers Theatre Review Essay Example for Free
Kindred spirits Theater Review Essay We visited the Phoenix Theater on the fourth of October and when we the play began I was attracted to the genuine setting of the stage; right off the bat differentiate in the set and how it spoke to the two side’s class partition. Mrs Johnstone’s gigantic family completely confined up in the little, disintegrating, spray painting secured terraced committee lodging with the remainder of the laborers and Mrs Lyon’s enormous rich rural disengaged house with is created iron road light and huge windows and furthermore with the inside of the houses just the kitchen of Mrs Johnstone’s house is indicated flooding with cooking utensils and clothing and other household technicalities yet not a seat in sight which implies Mrs Johnstone is in every case either shown standing up or sitting on the progression though Mrs Lyons front room is appeared with its elegant adorning, craftsmanship deco lights, corner columns and a huge couch in the center where she is regularly demonstrated sitting on offering another differentiation among her and Mrs Johnstone. Another component of the setting I especially appreciated was the raked stage which permitted better levels for the on-screen characters the stage is intensely raked, implying that a great deal of the activity is anything but difficult to see from everywhere throughout the house. The set is basic and stays fixed, making an engaged exhibition space and accentuated certain scenes like when Mrs Lyons proposed Mrs Johnstone give her one of the twins she upstaged Mrs Johnstone who needed to go to react and furthermore takes into account various scenes, for example, when Mrs Lyons uncovered Eddie and Linda’s ‘affair’ she went Micky to confront upstage where Eddie and Linda are strolling together, which underlines the cross cutting of that scene and another element of the raked stage is that it just permitted a superior perspective on the Performance for the crowd. The Play started with a solidified picture of the dead twins seen through a red dressing window ornament and the storyteller gives the lines he is to rehash toward the end This utilization of Dramatic Irony implies you identify more with the characters knowing the destiny that anticipates them and it is likewise an emotional method to start the show quickly attracting you making pose inquiries which obviously are replied all through the term of the play. The emotional incongruity additionally makes you play nearer consideration regarding the play as you are constrained to perceive how the circumstance could have been maintained a strategic distance from and it is appeared through portending that all that would happen was unchangeable from when a multi year old micky claimed to shoot a multi year old Eddie to when a multi year old Sammy threatened to use a blade out on the transport. These brief looks into their future may have been missed on the off chance that you weren’t tot ally Hooked on the play thus the utilization of encircling and emotional incongruity implies you were invested in the play totally. The outfit in the play is a solid portrayal of the economic wellbeing of the characters thus everything about Eddie and Mickey’s garments speaks to key pieces of their life and how they have added to their character as their ensembles are an enormous agent of the entire nature versus support subject of the play. Eddie as a multi year old wears conveniently squeezed slipover sweater over a flawlessly white shirt and short pants while mickey was wearing a jumper so worn out and messy its very difficult to figure out what shading it is, it’s brimming with gaps and stretches to well over his knees showing it is probably a leftover. The difference in the youth childhood of the two characters is evident in their apparel, the nearest Eddie has ever come to recycled garments is the point at which he meets mickey then again mickey has most likely adult with his kin old garments and toys and so on. The pre-adult Mickey wears in vogue denim and calfskin. Which shows him at what was an amazing pinnacle, the most joyful his is to be in the play. The juvenile Eddie wears a keen school uniform The grown-up Mickey again wears a loose jumper. Anyway this is the point at which he is ruled by medication. His garments additionally shows the loss of that colossal youth vitality he had toward the start of the play. It is difficult to figure out what reason the storyteller serves. In front of an audience he seems wearing a savvy dark suit â€reminiscent of memorial service clothing so kind of front shadowing yet the outfit his gives him an unbiased status, as we can't recognize anything about his character. It gives him a feeling of obscurity all through the show, and the way that different characters don't recognize him gives him a ghostlike quality with the exception of when he snaps a photo of. His principle job all through the show is to go about as a consistent suggestion to us of the Brothers’ deplorable destiny †exemplified in the melodic number ‘Shoes upon the Table’, which is rehashed Throughout the two demonstrations of the show. It is additionally outstanding that as the show starts with the location of The finale, his clothing resembles that of someone who is going to a memorial service †and it appears that he is dressed for such an event all through t he whole play. The characters appear to glance through him or simply keep away from him until Linda requests that he snap their picture and it appears when she does this their lives start to turn out badly, fortuitous event or were their lives moved by malicious The utilization of sound is potentially the most impressive emotional medium utilized in the play; the tunes are incredibly elegantly composed fit perfectly with the subjects of the play and the verses and tune are re utilized all through the play. Music was utilized to draw feeling from the crowd. It likewise assisted with moving along the activity and consistently passed on a topic, message or feeling. Reverberation was additionally utilized in parts of tunes. Anyway it was recorded and thusly gave a dreamlike and counterfeit impact. The music and lighting consolidated toward the start of the play to make both a DRAMATIC EFFECT and a SAD ATMOSPHERE which worked to attract you. The utilization of the ensemble teamed up well with the tunes. The discharge toward the finish of the play functioned admirably as it stunned the crowd in spite of them knowing the closure. There was an incredible complexity in lighting between the open country and the city. In the field it was brilliant and the landscape comprised of common green moving slopes and a precious stone blue sky. Anyway in the city the lighting was a lot darker and the view comprised structures. At the point when the front entryway of Mrs Johnstone house opened light overwhelmed on to the stage. The reason for this was to produce the possibility of essence of Mrs Johnstone and her youngsters living inside the house. The stage was lit up with a red light toward the start of the end. This was utilized as a marker of the slaughter to follow. A red light likewise showed up when Mrs Lyons made advances on the stage. This represented her frenzy and blame stricken cognizant. This was likewise done by the utilization of power outages. A blue light showed up toward the end when the storyteller hit on the stage and sang. To show the frenzy of Mrs Lyons in melody blazing lights went ahead. This caused the crowd to feel uncomfortable and awkward with the character of Mrs Lyons.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Organization Development and Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6
Association Development and Change - Essay Example This is on the grounds that the impacts of progress are seen thus authoritative change is bolstered by similar individuals who change influences inside the association. This association of the workforce in the making of progress inside the association prompts the acknowledgment of progress among the partners of the association. This contribution prompts cooperative energy, which upgrades inspiration and efficiency in an association. These are the advantages that gather from full usage of progress in an association. Comprehensiveness in key change creation and usage fills in as a modest wellspring of thoughts on the grounds that the commitment of numerous individuals is considered before a choice is made. This activity additionally gives systems administration to the association which upgrades the usage of the change inside an endeavor. This owes to the way that systems administration helps in obtaining of critical data with respect to dynamic. As indicated by Cummings and Worley (2009), vital change in an association decides the going worry of an association. Interest in the change procedure is supported in the republics which practice majority rule government in administration instead of one-man rule situation in certain nations. Authoritative turn of events and change are inescapable for the progression of any association. This is a direct result of the blemishes related with business as usual situation of an association structure particularly a bureaucratic hierarchical structure. There is a requirement for the organization’s the board to impart the re-auxiliary change and the objectives of the change, to the workforce all together for the representatives to grasp the change. There are benefits which gather to individuals when they partake in various exercises relating to change. These advantages remember the improvement for the nature of choices made with respect to the change factors. It likewise features convenient reactions required when the change produces results. As per Lines (2011), the impact of
Friday, August 14, 2020
Literature Circles
Literature Circles In literature circles, students come together to discuss and respond to a book that they are reading at the same time. Students use their experiences to create meaning, make connections, and have lively discussions about the book. Updated on: February 22, 2007 Page 1 of 3Literature Circles What Is It? Whether they are called literature discussion groups, book clubs, reading response groups, or reading clubs, members of literature circles come together to discuss and respond to a book that they are reading at the same time. Often they are modeled after adult book discussion groups, although they may be more structured to provide scaffolding for students. In some models, roles are assigned to members of the group to help the group function more productively and remain focused on the chosen book or related topic. In literature circles, students use their experiences to create meaning, make connections, and have lively discussions about the book. The emphasis is on thoughtful dialogue in order to share experience and ultimately come to a deeper understanding of the piece of literature. Why Is It Important? In literature discussion groups, students hone their communication and critical-thinking skills by coming together with peers to respond to literature. Good readers use a variety of strategies to construct meaning from what they read, such as predicting what will happen next or connecting what they are reading to their own experience. Literature discussion groups help readers develop and practice these skills. The overall objectives are for students to deepen their comprehension skills, construct meaning together as a group, debate and challenge each other, and ultimately connect with books on a deeper level. Students who are struggling readers often benefit by being in heterogeneous literature circles. Collaboration with more advanced peers provides modeling of comprehension strategies and critical thinking, as well as providing motivation for students to stretch their abilities in order to meet the group's expectations. Literature discussion groups can even have larger, more comprehensive benefits for the classroom community and for a student's lifelong learning. Harvey Daniels, in his book Literature Circles, discus ses these types of benefits: ...literature circles have the potential to transform power relationships in the classroom, to make kids both more responsible for and more in control of their own education, to unleash lifelong readers, and to nurture a critical, personal stance toward ideas. (Daniels, p.31) When Should It Be Used? Many teachers wait to start book clubs or discussion groups until students have some shared experience with books. Some teachers wait until January or February, after students have built their skills of responding to books, talking about books, sharing their thoughts and reflections, and listening to each others' opinions with respect. Yet the work of building toward independent book discussions should start from the first days of school when you allow students ample opportunity to respond to literature in a variety of ways. Initiating these literature discussion groups a bit later in the school year gives students time to build these skills, gives the teache r time to get to know students a bit better, and gives students time to get to know each other. A respectful and safe classroom community is essential. Literature circles, like all cooperative grouping strategies, depend on students who respect each other, listen to one another, and feel safe enough to share their thoughts and feelings. What does it look like? Literature circles generally range from three to six members who get together to choose and discuss a book. Some teachers choose to establish groups that are short-term and disband after the book is completed, while others form long-lasting groups, with members staying together to read and discuss many books. Groups of students gather together in different areas of the classroom, perhaps in a comfortable corner on the floor, at a table, or simply in several chairs gathered together. Students discuss their books, with their books in hand or nearby, engaging every member of the group. Students use the books to refresh their memo ries, back up their observations or points, read a pertinent excerpt, or point out something they noticed to the group. Students also use the books to raise any questions they may have, while the group searches the text for possible answers. Some literature circles have students take on different roles within the group, such as leading the discussion and keeping the group on track, identifying key passages and sharing them with the group, or finding connections between the text and the outside world. The teacher is on the periphery, helping to redirect the group's focus when necessary, or even as an occasional participant contributing thoughts or reactions about the book. The groups are not directed or lead by the teacher, as the primary voices are the students'.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
South Korea Into A 21st Century Pop Culture Powerhouse
Throughout the 15th and 16th centuries, numerous events sparked an influence of English language usage in Europe. While our current textbook focuses on the creation of the English language within Europe, there are few details given about its more recent spread throughout Asia. This essay will briefly explore Korea’s first interaction with the English language, and how its influence ultimately revolutionized South Korea into a 21st century pop-culture powerhouse that utilizes English loanwords. In order to understand the development of the English language in Korea, a general background on the development of Asian trading barriers must be given. Starting from the 15th to the 19th centuries, the Brotherhood of Nations established itself as a Confucian model for regional politics within Asia (Tsang 3). In this system, China effectively presumed full control over the Asian continent, and all trade within Japan and Korea would have to go through them. The Brotherhood of Nations was responsible for the isolation between Asia and the western world, especially when it came to globalized trade (3). Consequently, Asia’s insistence of a closed trading system would eventually lead to international conflicts within the mid-19th century. In 1839, the demand for Chinese goods in the European market increased, and British merchants began to enter the country illegally. China starts to hear about the illegal trading and attacks British vessels, causing China and Britain to clash over theirShow MoreRelatedWhy Was China Such an Advanced Society for So Long? Essay1934 Words  | 8 Pagesdivisions helped organize how the territories were administered. While China ultimately did not retain some of these acquisitions, this division and delegation of administrative powers helped in China’s progression to its existence of a modern, 21st century, nation-state. In moving forward with the modernization process, China had to significantly improve its military, this urgency in military modernization can be viewed as a result of the First Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. This necessary militaryRead MoreMarketing Strategy of Samsung Mobile17504 Words  | 71 PagesObjective To study the marketing strategy and gain an insight on Samsung Mobile India Samsung Group The Samsung Group is South Koreas largest company or chaebol and the worlds second largest conglomerate by revenue, leading several industries in the world. It is composed of numerous international businesses, all united under the Samsung brand, including Samsung Electronics, the worlds largest electronics company, Samsung Heavy Industries, one of the worldsRead MoreMonsanto: Better Living Through Genetic Engineering96204 Words  | 385 Pagesratios. Included are exhibits describing proï ¬ tability, liquidity, leverage, activity and shareholders’ return ratios. Other ï ¬ rm characteristics that should be examined to study the internal environment effectively include leadership, organisational culture, structure and control systems. in order to reach strategies and objectives. Examples of strategic intent include: the relentless pursuit of perfection (Lexus). to be the top performer in everything that we do (Phillips Petroleum). we are dedicatedRead MoreBrand Case Studies.Docx23428 Words  | 94 PagesCharmin, Pampers), beauty care (Pantene, Olay, Cover Girl), food and beverages (Folgers, Pringles, Duncan Hines), and health care (Crest, Scope, Metamucil). Commending Pamp;G s exceptional growth, an analyst said, Within a paternalistic corporate culture, Pamp;G pioneered in brand management, in consumer surveys for marketing research and in new product research and development.3 | A pioneer in introducing a formalized brand management system way back in the 1930s, Pamp;G constantly modified itsRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pages121 147 147 Text 3. Why Organizations Change Text Cohen †¢ Effective Behavior in Organizations, Seventh Edition 14. Initiating Change 174 174 Text iii Cases 221 221 225 The Consolidated Life Case: Caught Between Corporate Cultures Who’s in Charge? (The)(Jim)(Davis)(Case) Morin−Jarrell †¢ Driving Shareholder Value I. Valuation 229 229 253 279 1. The Value−Based Management Framework: An Overview 2. Why Value Value? 4. The Value Manager Harvard Business Review Finance
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Energy Information Administration ( 2016 ) - 1250 Words
In 2015 the United States produced an average of 9.4 million barrels of crude oil a day, a rate of production not seen in over 45 years (EIA, 2015). In 2008 production averaged 5 million barrels a day. This drastic increase in production can be attributable, in part, to advances in hydraulic fracturing. According to the Energy Information Administration (2016) this controversial drilling technology has been in use for over 6 decades, but has otherwise contributed relatively little to total crude oil output. In 2000 23,000 hydraulic fractured wells produced 102,000 barrels of oil a day, or 2% of the total national output. In 2015 there were 300,000 hydraulically fractured wells producing 4.3 million barrels of oil a day, a 4,000% increase†¦show more content†¦A 2008 assessment by the United States Geological Survey (2013) of Bakken shale formation determined that an estimated 3.65 billion barrels of oil were technically recoverable. A subsequent reassessment in 2013 found the formation contained 7.4 billion barrels of undiscovered and technically recoverable oil reserves (USGS, 2013). Nevertheless, many in the shale production industry believe the Bakken formation may contain over 20 billion barrels of technically recoverable oil (SAFE, 2012). What is Hydraulic Fracturing? Certain geological formations may contain deposits of natural gas and petroleum; however, these formations generally have extremely low permeability (Earthworks (EW), 2016). Hydraulic fracturing is process that increases the permeability of these rock formations, making the fossil fuels contained within more extractable (EW, 2016). Although hydraulic fracturing has been in use for over 60 years, only recently has it gained widespread use. Fracking begins by drilling a well and inserting a steel pipe known as a casing. The casing contains perforations within a â€Å"target zone†where there is assumed to be natural gas or oil supplies (EW, 2016). Once the casing is in position â€Å"fracturing fluid†is pumped into the casing, and injected into the well through the perforations at the target zone (EW, 2016). The rock formation absorbs the fluid until it becomes saturated, at which point pressure begins to build in the well, causing
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Information Systems and Software Applications in the Workplace Free Essays
Information Systems and Software Applications in the Workplace Eduardo Cruz Business Information Systems/BIS 219 November 30, 2010 Syed Ameen Information Systems and Software Applications in the Workplace Companies from all over the world have benefited from technological improvements within information systems and software applications. Most major companies use systems and software that help support their work flow, communication, accountability and almost every aspect of the work place.Although there a many departments that utilize many different types of information systems and software applications, we will only review a few. We will write a custom essay sample on Information Systems and Software Applications in the Workplace or any similar topic only for you Order Now The systems and applications we will discuss and that are used by management, finance and the main work force are viewed below. Microsoft Outlook Microsoft outlook has become one of the most popular software programs used by companies today. Outlook has many types of functions including e-mail which is one of the main functions. Outlook e-mail has taken the place of paper within the work force.It has simplified transmitting documents with a few strokes of the keyboard, saving time, energy and money. FSTSMCS FSTSMCS stands for Full Time Support Management Control System. This information system is used throughout the Army National Guard for tracking leave days (vacation days), maternity leave and emergency leave. This electronic system was created to help Human Resources Office(HRO) keep track of a soldiers location while on leave and also track how many leave days they have accrued, used or lost.The system has also helped to cut back on paper, filing, energy and money. Portable Document Format (PDF). This is another software program that is used all over the world. This software has a common format that makes it easy for management or anyone in the work place to import and export files via e-mail and the internet. PDF is used to synchronize documents, which enables personnel and companies to open any type of document that come in this format. It helps make the transaction of any type of document easy.This software, as the two above, has made companies run with ease and control, saving money, energy and time. Information systems and software applications such as Outlook, FSTSMCS, and PDF have become the future of a company’s time management, productivity and control in virtually every component of any enterprise. Technology continues to update itself and we should not be surprised to see new and updated programs that continue to be a benefit to a company’s success and direction. References None How to cite Information Systems and Software Applications in the Workplace, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Amazon Cycles of Creativity
Question: Discuss about the Amazon Cycles of Creativity. Answer: Introduction: Amazon was incorporated in 1994 as an American e-commerce company, by Jeff Bezos. It is the largest online retailer in the world according to its sales and capital. The company earned an income of US$135.98 billion in the financial year of 2016 and on its peak days it sold more than 306 items in one second. The motive of selecting Amazon for this report is because the company has beat all of his completion in the market Management and become worlds largest online retailer with a high level of customer satisfaction. Amazon operates in online shopping and cloud computing industry. Along with their online retailing, the company provides several other internet-based services to its customers as well. Other services of Amazon include Amazon Prime, online book store, studio movie, app store, cloud drive and web services. Amazon keeps innovating their products and services according to their customer's requirements. The recent project of Amazon is Alexa, an artificial intelligence system that could connect to mobile, house or other electronic devices (Teece 2010). According to Mangalindan (2012), Amazon key strategy focused on cost leadership, as compared to other off-line retailers. The companys enormous warehousing services and processing abilities, providing them cost advantages. The company is also focused on customer satisfaction and Bezos has implemented the consumer focus structure throughout the enterprise. The company uses these facilities to provide competitive pricing to its customers and other facilities such as one-day delivery, easy return, fast purchase process, and customer support. According to Forbes, Amazon is one of the worlds top three most innovative companies, with a market cap of US$427 billion and this strategy will help them sustain their growth in the future. Amazons business model focuses on enhancing growth by adopting a lower cost structure, as discussed by Bucherer (2011). The company provides lower cost products with high-quality services. Following is the criteria of Amazons business model: In order for achieving growth, the company focused on creating a lower cost structure in their operations. The enormous warehousing facilities and online operations help the organisation in maintain low cost throughout their operations. The low-cost structure allows the company to provide their products and services at lower charges, as compared to its competitors. The process of ordering or using online services is significantly easier, helping in achieving customers satisfaction. Higher customer satisfaction increases the traffic on Amazons website, eventually increasing their sales. High sales attract a large number of sellers to list their products on Amazons website. It helps in providing their customers large selection and convenience of faster delivery, which eventually leads to customer satisfaction management. Amazon operates in more than 16 countries, and they might start selling in Australian as well. Before entering in Australian online retail market, the company required to assess their culture, administrative, geographic and economic factors. As discussed by Johnston (2017), Australian online retail market is a booming industry with more than 80 percent of population spending in online retailing, but around 64 percent of customers returned their purchases. Amazon required formulating faster delivery operations with easy return policy to capture Australian online retail market. Uber Technology incorporation is an American corporation operating in transportation and delivery services. The companies headquarter is situated in San Francisco, California. Uber provides its services in more than 632 cities globally. The organisation has revenue of US$6.5 billion in 2016 financial year. The purpose of choosing Uber is that company has changed the taxi industry without any significant investment. The organisation has created a monopoly in the transportation industry and worth more than US$63 billion. Uber allows customers to book a taxi through their mobile application. The drivers of Uber cabs have their own vehicles, eventually reducing the investment cost of Uber. The company has millions of vehicles to operate, for which they did not pay millions of dollars. Uber does not require maintaining full-time drivers or vehicles which reduce their costs. Uber operates in the low competitive market. There are other taxi drivers and organisation, but they did not provide customer services like Uber (Cramer and Krueger 2016). The customs choose Uber over taxi because they provide easy accessibility and facility through their application such as convenient booking, 24*7 service, and no cash transactions. According to Jonathan (2015), Uber hire world-class programmers and talented mathematicians that help in maintaining policies for the company by analysing the data. The company constantly update their policies to attract a high number of customers such as discounts, guaranteed prices, simplicity in the booking process and motive drivers to work longer. The innovative strategy helps Uber in gaining a competitive advantage and assist in sustainable future growth. Ubers business model focuses on maintaining high standards of services management at lower prices. Following are its essential parts (Cohen and Kietzmann 2014): The drivers of Uber have their personal cars. Uber also provide the facility of rented cars to its drivers. The company creates coordination between them to provide high scale and distributed transportation platform. The mobile application provides various facilities such as easy booking, cab tracking, calculating estimated prices and no-cash payment option. Customers can write their ride experience review directly inside the application, and they can rate drivers too. The company takes around 20 to 30 percent cut from all booking. The market researcher of Uber analyse the data to reduce the waiting time for booking and increase the drive time. The company embraces marketing as a tool to increase their market share. This approach helps them gain a competitive advantage over its competitors. The business model of Uber assists them enhancing their operations worldwide. According to the research of Cannon and Summers (2014), the company is not affected by economic, geographic, and administrative and cultural factors of different countries since the company did not invest in vehicles. Uber provides a facility through their application and their drivers use their personal vehicles. The business approach of Uber increases their operations in more than 632 cities and sustained their future growth. References Bucherer, E., 2011.Business model innovation-guidelines for a structured approach. Shaker. Cannon, S. and Summers, L.H., 2014. How Uber and the sharing economy can win over regulators.Harvard business review,13(10), pp.24-28. Cohen, B. and Kietzmann, J., 2014. Ride on! Mobility business models for the sharing economy.Organization Environment,27(3), pp.279-296. Cramer, J. and Krueger, A.B., 2016. Disruptive change in the taxi business: The case of Uber.The American Economic Review,106(5), pp.177-182. Culey, S., 2016. Building the Everything Store: Amazons Cycles of Creativity and Circles of Destruction. The European Business Review. Retrieved from Forbes., 2017. The Worlds Most Innovative Companies. Retrieved from Johnston, R., 2017. Yet Another Reason Amazon Australia Is Going To Be Huge. Gizmodo. Retrieved from Jonathan, T., 2015. Ubers Use OF Data As A Competitive Advantage. Digital Innovation and Transformation. Retrieved from Mangalindan, J., 2012. Amazons recommendation secret.CNN Money https://tech. fortune. cnn. com/2012/07/30/amazon-5. Teece, D.J., 2010. Business models, business strategy and innovation.Long range planning,43(2), pp.172-194.
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