Thursday, October 31, 2019
Current State of Wheeler-Lea Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Current State of Wheeler-Lea Act - Essay Example Still there were some shortcomings, which were corrected by Wheeler Lea act. Congress passed The Wheeler-Lea Act in 1938, a United States federal law, which amended the Federal Trade Commission Act. It gave the FTC the additional responsibility of policing "deceptive acts or practices in commerce." In so doing, the FTC tries to protect the public against false or misleading advertising and the misrepresentation of products (Larabee, Robert). So the Federal Trade Commission Act, as modified by the Wheeler-Lea Act, gives new provisions: The Wheeler-Lea Act has not permitted the FTC to control the advertising of self-medication drugs. So there has not been as much improvement in patent medicine advertising as wished. Prescription drugs are policed by the FDA under the Kefauver-Harris Amendments of 1962. Additionally, advertising of restricted medical devices is regulated by the FDA under the Medical Device Amendments of 1976. Most recently, Congress passed a broad reform of the FD&C Act in the Food and Drug Modernization Act (FDAMA), which includes provisions to "regulate advertising of unapproved uses of approved drugs and devices, and regulate health claims for foods." There is requirement of prohibition of unfair methods of competition and advertising, in order to protect consumers as well as competition. Many Acts has been passed by U.S government. Wheeler lea Act was a big step in this direction. It regulated advertising, labeling strategies and identification, quality, and fill-of-container for foods and drugs. References Larabee, Robert. The Federal Trade Commission: A Guide to Sources (Research and Information Guides in Business, Industry, and Economic Institutions), Routledge; 1 edition, November 8, 2000. pp- 345 U. S. Food and Drug Administration, "Chronology of Drug Regulation in the United States". Last Updated May 10, 2007, Retrieved May 13, 2007. <
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Human resource management - Essay Example An independent analysis of the online recruitment models at Price Waterhouse Coopers, Marks and Spencer and Barclay’s was conducted to determine whether these models are properly aligned to gain the best talent required. Marks and Spencer significantly emphasises the corporate culture that resides at the firm as a means of differentiating the business from competing retail recruiters. The website is constructed for extreme ease of navigation through the various informational pages, providing clear and distinct weblinks to explore the many diverse values portrayed by the organisation. On the â€Å"Our Values†page, Marks and Spencer clearly lists the core foundation of culture, including elements of trust, innovation, commitment, and quality of service (Marks and Spencer 2012). From this page, the candidate is able to navigate easily to learn of the many benefits of gaining employment with the firm, including employee discounts, receipt of bonus scheme outcomes, and pens ion opportunities for long-term reward (Marks and Spencer 2012). In every detail, this organisation wants the candidate to understand the dynamics of business operations and human resources philosophy at the organisation, providing ample information on leadership at the firm and the strong emphasis on diversity prevalent in this business model. No proverbial stone is left unturned in relation to providing comprehension of organisational culture and business mission and vision to assist the candidate in determining whether they would be a proper fit for this business model. The image portrayed by Marks and Spencer is one of leadership-based competence and one in which candidates should expect human resources models to contain much emphasis on social belonging and professional development. An independent candidate that prefers individualism rather than collective work groups, after assessing the sizeable basket of information about the company, might select a competitor with a more ce ntralised business model. However, the blend of knowledge portrayed on the corporate recruitment site leaves little to the imagination about what should be expected upon gaining employment. Barclays and Price Waterhouse Coopers take a different approach to the online recruitment process, with much less emphasis on transformational leadership and cultural development. As both of these companies operate in the financial sector, in generally centralised hierarchies, the content of these two recruitment websites are more professional-centric describing values associated with meeting strategic corporate goals rather than focusing on the interpersonal dynamic of inter-office relationship development. Offers Price Waterhouse Coopers, â€Å"Our culture is all about our people. The development of our people is key and though we are all driven by different aspirations, we share the same commitment to quality†( 2012, p.1). Price Waterhouse Coopers attempts to illustrate that h ard work is the cornerstone of meeting service needs and achieving long-term goals with much less emphasis on the psycho-social dynamic of employment. Though the website is easy to navigate with ample weblinks leading to job-related information, the focus of recruitment is navigation through many web pages describing domestic and international career positions with well-developed and thorough job descriptions. Barclay’s, as well, places much less emphasis on the dynamics of existing organisational cu
Sunday, October 27, 2019
How Did China Resist Western Influences?
How Did China Resist Western Influences? In the 19th Century, during the Qing dynasty, China had little communications with Western countries due to their self-sufficiency. However, the British smuggled opium into China, the Chinese found out that people would get addicted to opium, so the Chinese banned smoking opium and led to the Opium War. Soon after the war was declared, other foreign countries such as France and Russia noticed China was a land with a lot of economic resources. Even though many civil wars including the Taiping Rebellion and the Boxer Rebellion were launched, China resisted Western influences through rebellions aiming at ridding China of westerners, treaties regulating peace with Western countries, and movements attempting to reform the government. China resisted western influences by declaring wars toward foreign countries. The Opium War between China and Britain was caused by Britains ignoring Chinas warnings and keeping smuggling opium into China. China lost the war because the technologies of Great Britain were more advanced. The two countries signed Nanking Treaty, which expanded the prologue of unequal treaties. After the Nanking Treaty, civilians not only distrusted their own government, but also refused accepting westerners due to the fact that numerous western nations forced China to open other ports so that foreigners could export their goods to China. The result led to the unstable market of China. In order to make a great peaceful world many civilians formed a party called Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Hong Xiuquan, the leader of the party, advocated gender equality and public treasury in addition to spreading Christianity, in which the party broke temples and idols and introduced missionary in China. Moreover, people distrusted the Qing government as it was deteriorating. Also, foreign countries gave more pressure during that time. An organization called Yi Ho Tuan believed that by joining their group and practicing Chinese Kong Fu with them, they would soon become invincible. Due to their belief, members of Yi Ho Tuan chose not to follow the governments laws. In the spring of 1900, Yi Ho Tuan descended to Beijing, declaring the Boxer Rebellion. They surrounded the European section, however, they suffered a humiliating defeat from the multinational force of 19,000 troops. Even though the Yi Ho Tuan failed, a strong sense of nationalism and of refusing western countries arose in China. Since the failure of the several rebellions, China was forced to sign plenty of unequal treaties as a postwar reconciliation. As a settlement, China was compelled to sign Nanking Treaty which included the opening of the five following ports, Guangzhou, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Ningpo, and Shanghai, where Britons were allowed to trade with anyone they wished. And China gave Hong Kong to Britain as well as twenty one million silver as reparation. After the treaty, the trading competitiveness faced unprecedented problems from foreigners to Chinese people. The trend of opposition to westerners kept rising in Chinese peoples minds. Too many defeats made China to give western countries many arbitrary conditions. Even if China were having unfair negotiations, it still had to make concessions. The agreement on tariffs reduced a great number of Chinas taxes, and the Unilateral Most Favored Nation delighted westerners with impunity. However, these increased Chinese peoples hatred to westerners. The more failure of wars, the more unequal treaties China had to sign. China signed up Beijing Treaty which allowed westerners recruit Chinese slaves. More than that, foreigners could build churches in China. Westerners plundered great amount valuable resources from China. Likewise, these made Chinese people feel unfair that westerners received too many rights in China. In 1860, China lost Second Opium War so they had to undertake western countries’ squeezes, which means more treaties. China was forced to agree with Tianjing Treaty. This treaty allowed Russia, America, Britain, and France to preach in China. The United States had the right to station legations in Beijing. This treaty forced China to open Shanghai, Ningbo, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Taiwan, and Qiongzhou seven ports to Russia, and Russian troops could park in various ports. Furthermore, opium could be traded and imported freely, which made Qing government very vexed. By this time, China wanted to be suppressed no longer, so it intended plural reforms that improved it’s attribute such as Hundred Days Reform, and Self-Strengthening Movement. China self-improved by learning foreign policies, making up some incentives for the people who contributed to China, or enhancing military. The Self-Strengthening Movement was promoted by Zeng Guofan, Li Hongzhang, and Zuo Zongtang after the failure of Second Opium War. They advocated to learning western countries’ industrial technologies and business methods because they witnessed the tremendous power of foreign invaders’ battleships. They first set up Prime States Office to process foreign affairs. Then they erected Machinery Manufacturing Bureau and arsenals to form a new military industry to enhance military in every province. They improved their military especially navy. Because conservatives didnt support and the low efficiency of bureaucracy, so this movement didnt succeed, but it paved the way for the Hundred Days’ Reform. China didn’t give up after the bungle of the Self-Strengthening Movement. It promoted Hundred Days’ Reform, popularized by Emperor Guangxu, Kang Youwei, and Liang Qichao, which was divided into four parts including education, economy, military, and policy. Chinese government established higher level schools and selected some children to go to study in Japan. Because foreign educations were thought to be better at that time. For the development of economy, Qing government set up factories everywhere in China to promote the production. To improve military, it used western ways to train troops. It lifted the exclusion of newspaper and laid off bureaucracy to strengthen government structure and build up the trust of civilians. Even though the overthrew of the Hundred Days’ Reform by the conservatives in 1898, China’s national power had indeed grown, which made the Chinese believe they didnt need foreigners to conquer them anymore. All the unequal treaties made China more vulnerable and caused Chinese people to distrust the government and therefore had a lot of riots. China reflected on its own and began to promote the policy of self-improvement. China resisted the western influences. While regulating peace with Western countries by signing treaties and attempting to reform the government, China wanted to be self isolated since it was self-sufficient. However, numerous revolutions proved that it was impossible not to be influenced by westerners to isolate itself within its own world. Bibliography Anderson, Doone, et al. â€Å"Hundred Days’ Reforms†Alpha History. Web. 17. Nov.2013 Anderson, Doone, et al. â€Å"Sun Yat-sen†Alpha History. Web. 17. Nov.2013 Anderson, Doone, et al. â€Å"The Self-Strengthening Movement†Alpha History. Web. 17. Nov.2013 Gibson, Anne.â€Å"The Opium Wars: When Britain Made War on China.†BBC News. BBC, 12. Mar. 2012. 25. Sept. 2013 Gracie, Carrie.â€Å"Hong Xiuquan: The Rebel Who Thought He Was Jesus’ Brother†. BBC News.BBC, 17 Oct. 2012. Web. 26.Sept.2013 Trueman, Chris. â€Å"The Boxer Rebellion.†History Learning Site. Web. 25 Sept. 2013 Trueman, Chris. â€Å"The Japan†History Learning Site. Web. 17 Nov. 2013
Friday, October 25, 2019
Prejudice and Racism in Canada Essays -- Sociology Racism Prejudice Es
Racism is a Problem in Canada A few years ago in Smalltown, CA a burning cross was placed in the lawn of a visible minority family. Although the media seemed shocked at this explicit racial attack and portrayed the attackers as a group of abnormal, twisted deviants, I was not surprised. As an Asian student who is writing her Sociology honours thesis on visible minorities in Canada, I know on a personal and academic level that racism in Canada does exist. Although explicit racial incidents are not a common occurrence, they do happen. Here at school, a visible minority student left the school when a car sped past her, while the young men inside shouted racial slurs. Two weeks ago The school paper published an article about a group of International students who experienced racially motivated discriminatory service at restaurant. Last month I attended a meeting about racism, and a number of students related explicit stories about experiencing racism in Tinyville. More often, racism is expressed in subtle ways, and is not recognized as racism. Although social scientists do not like using the term race since it is a socially constructed category based on inaccurate assumptions about phenotypical and biological differences between human groups, race still holds social currency since perceived racial differences leads to unequal power, privilege, and social prestige. Ignoring race would mean ignoring the reality of racism. Racism takes forms that include social ostracism, employment discrimination, and racial prejudice. One Mt. A student related experiencing social ostracism and prejudice at Mt.A. "People are less willing to get to know me and most people view Black people negatively. 'Yo, whatsup?!' That stereotypical treat... ...ral nation. Multiculturalism is unfortunately only a vague discourse that tokenizes cultures, ignoring the reality of racial conflict. Mary Pipher, discussing sexism, observes that "The lip service paid to equality makes the reality of discrimination even more confusing." Although overt forms of racism are rare, covert forms of prejudice and discrimination against visible minorities still exist. Further, racism is not only evident in individuals, but on institutional and national levels. Although it is tempting to ignore racism and deny that it exists, ignoring racism will not make it go away. Source: Miedema, Baukje (Bo) and Evangelina Tastsoglou. "But Where Are You From Originally? Immigrant Women and Integration in the Maritimes." Atlantis 24.2 (Spring/Summer 2000): 82-91. 25 Jan. 2003.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Pain Poem
PAIN Innocent plumes out of the lonely seed, Illusion of darkness was seen, Things seen were absorbed, Sun, water, alarm what happened? Fell in a tunnel, Lights were not yet seen, Faith slowly became weak, Failings, please stops Dodge, defense and attack like a boxer, Easy start yet harder comes, Not a single blink of an eye, Be firm and don't loosen up a single muscle! Fill with all bright colors, Four bright colors over one dark color, Darkness was unseen yet brightness was clearly seen, This is what the world is supposed to be! Walking on a dark street,Rusted street light soul working, Street light can't yet street lights can, Street is dark no more but now bright. Summary Answer Pain, right at this moment honestly I can't think of anything that makes me feel pain. I don't think I have been through the deep pain that people can't get rid of, but there is one thing that makes me feel pain and that is when see others in pain and to see this beautiful world suffering with so many kin ds of things. So basically based on this poem I wrote about what pain I faced and what I think I can do and what others can o to give solutions for this pain.This is a very short summary of the poem I wrote. Ã'›â€ ¦ In today's world, It has changed so badly and it's obvious. An innocent child will receive things that the world Is doing and It will ruin their Innocent mind, Life will get harder and harder and it is so dark and tough to achieve what you want to achieve, you fail so many times and it will Just make you give up easily. If your life is so dark by doing so many bad things, do more good things and it definitely will cover up all the ad things and it will also cover up all the bad memories that you had.And so now, you will definitely find your life different and continue moving forward In your life. One person definitely can't light up the whole world; we can't be so selfish and wait 1 OFF tort others to be the light tot the world and tot other people. It must sat rat trot us. We can't Just sit in our comfort zone by watching what happened; we must really do something and give other people the light they need to make the world a better place to live in.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
300 Word Essay on Freedom of Religio
300 Word Essay I chose freedom of religion because it is the one bill of rights that I believe has the broadest expansion in the constitution. I believe that everyone has the right to believe in a supernatural belief. That is why we have the establishment clause and the free-exercise clause. Which were established to keep the government from interfering with the exercise of religion. But in today’s time the government does have the right to limit the practice of a religion, but you still have the freedom to believe our own beliefs even if no else believes them.If the freedom of religion amendment wasn’t important to this country then it wouldn’t exists. We would have one religion where basically everyone would have the same religion and there wouldn’t be a diversity of cultures in the nation as there is today The right to have freedom of religion also lets us have and experience different cultures so we can learn and study how other people across the natio n believes and lives.To practice organize prayer in public schools across this country has been erased but the schools must allow their doors to be open after school hours for any religious activities to happen for those who need/want it. As I have just graduated high school and saw for myself how the schools have changed since this has occurred. I saw many young teens needing a religious figure in their life, to help them and to have a sense of hope to keep living a pure and clean life.In school we started a small group of students who wanted to meet together each morning to pray before we started the day, and we were told by are supervisor that we wouldn’t be able to do this in front of the students and had to find a location to take these kinds of activities. But sadly most have already taken the road of darkness and destruction and I’m scared for my children in the future. 300 Word Essay on Freedom of Religio 300 Word Essay I chose freedom of religion because it is the one bill of rights that I believe has the broadest expansion in the constitution. I believe that everyone has the right to believe in a supernatural belief. That is why we have the establishment clause and the free-exercise clause. Which were established to keep the government from interfering with the exercise of religion. But in today’s time the government does have the right to limit the practice of a religion, but you still have the freedom to believe our own beliefs even if no else believes them.If the freedom of religion amendment wasn’t important to this country then it wouldn’t exists. We would have one religion where basically everyone would have the same religion and there wouldn’t be a diversity of cultures in the nation as there is today The right to have freedom of religion also lets us have and experience different cultures so we can learn and study how other people across the natio n believes and lives.To practice organize prayer in public schools across this country has been erased but the schools must allow their doors to be open after school hours for any religious activities to happen for those who need/want it. As I have just graduated high school and saw for myself how the schools have changed since this has occurred. I saw many young teens needing a religious figure in their life, to help them and to have a sense of hope to keep living a pure and clean life.In school we started a small group of students who wanted to meet together each morning to pray before we started the day, and we were told by are supervisor that we wouldn’t be able to do this in front of the students and had to find a location to take these kinds of activities. But sadly most have already taken the road of darkness and destruction and I’m scared for my children in the future.
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